Meet Florence Star Award winner Sata [April ’23]

This April’s Florence Star Award winner is Sata. He’s passionate about making a positive difference in people’s lives and loves being a healthcare assistant. Here’s why we’re highlighting Sata this month…

Patience is key

Empathy and patience are both essential in a care setting – especially if you work with individuals diagnosed with memory loss conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. It’s important to be patient and flexible, break activities down into simple steps and offer reassurance as often as possible.

This month’s Star Award winner, Sata, goes out of his way to make sure the people he cares for feel secure and comfortable whenever he’s on shift. A dementia guardian at the NHS hospital Sata frequently works in recently gave him glowing feedback.

“Sata supports patients on my ward,” she says, “and he’s brilliant at what he does.”

The guardian went on to describe how Sata gets to know each patient and interacts with them.

“Nothing is too much trouble,” she says. “He’s a credit to Florence, and we look forward to seeing him again.”

One of the Florence values is “Put yourself in their shoes”, and it’s clear Sata takes that approach whenever he’s at work.

Sata’s journey into care

Sata has worked as a healthcare assistant in NHS facilities for 18 months and loves his role. He began working in care because he wanted to help people live better lives.

“I’m passionate about helping others,” says Sata, “especially people who are diagnosed with mental health conditions, dementia or Parkinson’s disease, or who have learning difficulties.”

His favourite part of being a healthcare assistant is making people feel comfortable and developing friendships with them.

“I feel good about myself when I see smiles on other people’s faces,” he says. “This is the most rewarding role ever.”

Working with Florence

“I really like working with Florence,” says Sata. “The support staff I speak to are friendly and approachable, and I like being able to pick up flexible shifts with the Florence app.”

Sata works with several different NHS locations and he enjoys providing continuity of care, which is especially important in a memory care setting. He also appreciates not having to chase people to sign timesheets after shifts.

“I can check in and out with the app, which is convenient,” he says. “The Instant Pay feature is very helpful, too, because it means I can get 60% of my pay after finishing a shift.”

Sata uses Florence Academy as a resource for essential training and likes exploring new courses when they’re released.

“The e-learning notifications are useful,” he says, “because they help me keep track of which modules I’ve done.”

More than a career

“Actions speak louder than words at Florence,” says Sata.

We couldn’t agree more, and we’re pleased he’s part of the team. Thanks for all you do, Sata!

If you’d like to nominate someone for a Florence Star Award, email us at, letting us know their name, and why you think they deserve an award.

Florence can help you find flexible shifts near you, take essential training courses and improve your work-life balance. Find out more and sign up today.

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